Port Isabel and South Padre Island Texas webmaster@lagunamadreyachtclub.org

About the Club

The Laguna Madre Yacht club was “officially” started on October 19, 1976 and is the direct result of the vision of its founder, Tommy Carruth (Life Member #1 and Founding commodore). Recognizing the abundance of sailboats and the accessibility of the Laguna Madre and the Gulf of Mexico water, Carruth recruited local sailors and began the process of organizing the club.

The loosely knit group originally named itself the Confederate Navy as one of its founding members, Fred Petch, was an avid historian of the South and the Confederacy and the role it played in local history. In 1865 the last battle of the Civil War was fought only a few miles from what is now Port Isabel and the Battle of Palmito Hill. The logo of the club depicts the Confederate Flag and the role the south played in American and maritime history. The Conquistador helmet represents the discovery of the Laguna Madre by the Spanish explorer Pineda in 1519.

The original group of sailors met at a raft-up as there were no facilities. In time, the Anchor Marina, with Carruth’s help as an architect, expanded its facilities to become the gathering site for the group. A capital campaign was successful in raising funds from 25 members to erect the current facility located at 502 Southpoint Drive in Port Isabel. These 25 members are identified as the Laguna Madre Lifetime Members and to them, and to Mr. Carruth again as the architect, we owe the comfort and leisure of having a facility for our members that rivals that of much larger organizations.

The Laguna Madre Yacht Club maintains the facility for the members as well as the family and guests of its members. LMYC allows members to the use of the facility for activities related to the club and to its members.

The Laguna Madre Yacht Club welcomes applications for membership through sponsorship by current members. Information is also available on the website or by contacting the Secretary. Applicants do not have to own a boat to apply for membership. The Club offers something for everyone: socials on the second Saturday of each month at the club House, Sailboat Races – both local and long distance, Overnight Cruises to Arroyo City and Port Mansfield, and Educational Courses with instruction by the experienced sailors and boaters of the club.

LMYC encourages the recruitment and membership of all boating enthusiasts who have a desire to better familiarize themselves with boating activities.  LMYC is actively encouraging the membership of Power and Sail Boaters.  So Power and Sail Boaters if you want to be a part of a growing, well established club with a distinguished lineage in the boating arena, contact a member or Flag Officer of the LMYC and come aboard.

Next to the Docts At
Sea Ranch Marina #2 at South Point
502 South Point Drive
Port Isabel, Texas 78578

The entry fee for each regatta race is $10. Don't forget the Racing Sailing Waiver and Release Form.