Port Isabel and South Padre Island Texas webmaster@lagunamadreyachtclub.org

Message from the Commodore

Ahoy and welcome to the Laguna Madre Yacht Club. If your visiting our website then you must have an interest in boating and the lower Gulf Coast of Texas.

The LMYC is comprised of people who love the Rio Grande Valley and all our Coastal waters have to offer. While many members are active sailors/boaters others just enjoy the comradery of kindred spirits.

The Club hosts Socials for it's members every second Saturday of the Month, HH at six and dinner at seven. It’s a great time great time to visit about all things nautical & to enjoy each other’s company. One of the benefits of membership is the useful exchange of information and the accumulated knowledge shared amongst the members. Whether you’re new to sailing or an old salt problems always arise. Remember what Capn Ron says, “ If it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen out there”. Chances are someone else has had the same problem or challenge. If they don’t have a solution at least you’ll have a sympathetic ear!

The Club also organizes races and regattas several times a year. These are usually the fourth Saturday of the month. A coffee is hosted by the Fleet Captain prior to the 9AM Skippers meeting. It’s not unusual for boats to need additional crew. The Fleet Captain always does their best to find a berth for any interested sailors regardless of experience. There is a lot to be learned crewing on someone else’s boat. While the races are for sailboats of all sizes the club solicits help and participation from its power boaters in a number of ways. Two overnight trips are scheduled this year . Please take a minute to review the race / regatta schedule for 2024 elsewhere on this site.

From time to time the LMYC hosts various safety and educational programs on its own and in conjunction with other maritime associations i.e. Power Squadron & Coast Guard Aux.

There are a number of other membership benefits including casual use of the clubhouse and facilities, reciprocal club access across the country, discounts for Boat US and more!

First and foremost the Club is about having fun & enjoying our mutual passion for sailing and the sea. Thanks for your interest. If you’ll leave a message we’ll get back to you answering any questions you may have and explain how you too may become a member of the Laguna Madre Yacht Club.

Hope to see you on the water.

Chris Hugston
LMYC Commodore 2024

Primary race routes to be announced Monday of each week before the race.
VHF Check-In on Channel 68 before race starts.